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I received this from a friend that thought it would be something good to put up on our community.  I am not sure where it originated but it serves a good purpose.  Coming out is one of the hardest things to do for a gay teen; there are many fears, and many concerns. 

The society that we live in is the reason for all of this and a few bad apples in any community (“straight” or “gay”) can create a stigma that leads to the hatred that we as gay people fear/see/live with everyday.  By no means is this to mean that you shouldn’t come out.  The only thing that we as your community leaders want you to know is all the information and all the facts to be well informed.

There might be a day that we can all live in harmony but before that we should be educated about our decisions.  It is a rocky path and one that we need to support and climb together. 

This is very long but more worth the read, please take some time to read through it before you come out or even just to better inform yourselves.


Read This Before


Most Follow Typical Stages

The purpose of this is to inform gay and lesbian young adults about the
process most parents go through when their child's homosexual orientation is

The stages to be explained are: shock, denial, guilt, expression of feelings,
personal decision-making, true acceptance.

The process assumes that you have wrestled with the issue of whether or not
to come out to your parents and that your decision is affirmative. The
approach and suggestions offered in the following are based on the assumption
that you suspect one or both of your parents will be understanding, if not
supportive, given adequate time.

This may not be helpful if you have serious reservations about their ability
to cope and you suspect they could sever their relationship with you.

They Go Through Stages Differently

A caution: Each family is unique. Although most are likely to follow the
stages outlined here, allow some latitude for your own parents. The
illustrations and suggestions given here will be drawn from conversations
with parents.

Few parents are "model" cases that perfectly fit the following description.
Knowing what to anticipate and how to respond in a helpful way will enable
you to take the big step with some degree of knowledge and support.


Be Clear in Your Own Mind

1.Are you sure about your sexual orientation? Don't raise the issue unless
you're able to respond with confidence to the question "Are you sure?"
Confusion on your part will increase your parents' confusion and decrease
their confidence in your judgment.

2.Are you comfortable with your gay sexuality? If you're wrestling with guilt
and periods of depression, you'll be better off waiting to tell your parents.
Coming out to them may require tremendous energy on your part; it will
require a reserve of positive self-image.

3.Do you have support? In the event your parents' reaction devastates you,
there should be someone or a group that you can confidently turn to for
emotional support and strength. Maintaining your sense of self-worth is

4.Are you knowledgeable about homosexuality? Your parents will probably
respond based on a lifetime of information from a homophobic society. If
you've done some serious reading on the subject, you'll be able to assist
them by sharing reliable information and research.

5.What's the emotional climate at home? If you have the choice of when to
tell, consider the timing. Choose a time when they're not dealing with such
matters as the death of a close friend, pending surgery or the loss of a job.

6.Can you be patient? Your parents will require time to deal with this
information if they haven't considered it prior to your sharing. The process
may last from six months to two years.

7.What's your motive for coming out now? Hopefully, it is because you love
them and are uncomfortable with the distance you feel. Never come out in
anger or during an argument, using your sexuality as a weapon.

8.Do you have available resources? Homosexuality is a subject most non-gay
people know little about. Have available at least one of the following: a
book addressed to parents, a contact for the local or national Parents and
Friends of Lesbians and Gays, the name of a non-gay counselor who can deal
fairly with the issue.

9.Are you financially dependent on your parents? If you suspect they are
capable of withdrawing college finances or forcing you out of the house, you
may choose to wait until they do not have this weapon to hold over you.

10.What is your general relationship with your parents? If you've gotten
along well and have always known their love -- and shared your love for them
in return -- chances are they'll be able to deal with the issue in a positive

11.What is their moral societal view? If they tend to see social issues in
clear terms of good/bad or holy/sinful, you may anticipate that they will
have serious problems dealing with your sexuality. If, however, they've
evidenced a degree of flexibility when dealing with other changing societal
matters, you may be able to anticipate a willingness to work this through
with you.

12.Is this your decision? Not everyone should come out to their parents.
Don't be pressured into it if you're not sure you'll be better off by doing
so -- no matter what their response.


Parents and Children Switch Roles

When you come out to your parents, you may find your parent-child roles
reversed for a while. They will need to learn from your experience. As your
parents deal with your disclosure, you must assume the "parenting" role by
allowing them time to express their feelings and make progress toward new

This will not be easy. You'll want them to understand and grasp this
important part of your life right away.

It will be easy for you to become impatient. You'll need to repeat many of
the same things. Just because you've explained something once does not mean
they heard it. Their understanding will evolve slowly -- painfully slowly --
at the beginning. Their emotional reactions will get in the way of their
intellectual understandings.

Allow them time and space. Consider your own journey; you've been working on
this issue for years! Although the issues your parents will work through are
similar to those you've dealt with, the difference is that you're ahead of
them in the process. Be patient.

Separation And Loss

Many families take the news as a temporary loss -- almost as a death -- of
the son or daughter they have known and loved. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross
describes the stages related to the death of a loved one as denial, anger,
bargaining, depression and acceptance. Just as in grief, the first reaction
of parents of gays and lesbians centers around separation and loss.

One mother stated" I remember one morning when my son was fixing breakfast at
the stove, as I sat at the kitchen table reading the newspaper. I looked at
him and wanted to say, "I don't know who you are, but I wish you'd leave and
send my son Ted back."

Parents experience loss when their child comes out, but it probably will be
only temporary.

Not An Absolute Progression

Although the stages described here apply to most people, they are not an
absolute progression for everyone. Sometimes a stage occurs out of order;
occasionally one is skipped. Some progress through the stages in three
months, others take years.

A few -- often due to self-pity -- make no progress at all. In any case, the
initial feeling is usually one of loss.

Most parents think they know and understand their children from the day of
their birth. Even though they cling to old stories -- and sometimes evidence
confusion in telling some of them -- most remain confident that they know
what's going on inside a child.

They lose the perception they once had of their child and don't yet know if
they will like the real person who is replacing that idea. Those who
experience the biggest shock when their child comes out probably are those
who suffer the greatest feeling of loss and rejection.

It's not that they separate from the child as much as it is that they feel
their child has willfully separated from them.

A Traumatic Discovery

They sense the separation -- which you've probably been aware of for years --
for the first time. It's a traumatic discovery. With understanding and
patience from all parties, that relationship can be restored. In fact, in
most cases it improves because it's based on mutual honesty.


If They Have No Idea About You

An initial state of shock can be anticipated if you suspect that your parents
have no idea what you're about to share. It may last anywhere from ten
minutes to a week; usually it wears off in a few days. Shock is a natural
reaction that we all experience (and need for a while) to avoid acute
distress and unpleasantness.

Explain that you haven't been able to be completely be honest with them and
you don't like the distance that has occurred over the years. Affirm your
love for them. Say it more than once. Although they may not initially respond
positively to your profession of love, it will penetrate in the hours when
they are alone and thinking about it.

Remind them that you are the same person today that you were yesterday: "You
loved me yesterday, before I told; I haven't changed since then. I'm the same
person today that I was yesterday."

Some Parents Already Know

Occasionally, a parent will experience no shock at all: "I always knew you
were different; I considered this as a possibility. It's O.K. I love you.
You'll have to help me understand and accept the reality."

Sometimes they say, "We'd known for a long time because of a letter you left
on the table last summer; we've been waiting for you to tell us." In these
instances your task will be considerably easier, as they've already worked
through some of the stages on their own.


A Shield from Threat

Denial helps to shield a person from a threatening or painful message. It is
different from shock because it indicates the person has heard the message
and is attempting to build a defense mechanism to ward it off.

Denial responses take many forms: hostility ("No son of mine is going to be
queer."), non-registering ("That's nice, dear, what do you want for
dinner?"), non-caring ("If you choose that lifestyle, I don't want to hear
about it."), or rejection ("It's just a phase; you'll get over it.").

Their perception of your homosexual orientation will be distorted by the
messages they've received and accepted from our homophobic society. The
manner in which the denial is expressed can range from a serene trance to
hysterical crying or shouting. Many parents take a middle-of-the-road
approach; they cry frequently.

We Thought He Was Confused

One father said," My wife and I were sure that our son had been caught up in
some form of gay liberation activity that appealed to him because it seemed
dangerous and exciting. We thought the media coverage about homosexuality
probably attracted him and that he lacked maturity to know what he really

"We insisted that he go once to a psychiatrist to deal with the anger that
had been building for over a year. We agreed to visit the doctor, too, in a
separate session. After two or three visits by Ted, the psychiatrist shredded
our defense mechanism of denial: "I've counseled many gay young adults and
I'm convinced that this is no passing fancy; to the best of my knowledge,
your son is gay."

If They Want Counseling For You

You might be ready to suggest the name of a counselor or two if your parents
think that counseling will help to clarify their confusion. It would be
advisable to suggest a non-gay person, because your parents will want an
"unbiased" view.

If they press for you to see a counselor, suggest that they match you
session-for-session. They may resist on the grounds that they don't need
help; underneath, however, they'll probably welcome someone to talk to.

Your parents may need some help in separating what's "normal" from the
"norm." It's probable that they'll think homosexuality is not normal. You can
help them by explaining that although homosexuality is not the norm, it is
what is natural to you. Point out that all of creation has exceptions to the
norm; while most people are right-handed, some are left-handed; although most
people have two eyes of the same color, some have a different color in each

They need to begin to understand that although your sexual orientation is not
in the norm, it is a natural and honest response for you.

Breaking Through Denial

If their denial takes the form of "I don't want to talk about it," you should
take a gentle and cautious initiative if they haven't changed in about a
week. Gently raise the subject when they appear relaxed: "Dad, I've been
wanting to talk to you about this for years; please don't push me out of your
life. I can no longer bear the burden of lying to you. I love you and want
you to continue to love me in return." Personalize your message as a way of
penetrating their defense.

There's no need to tell them more than what they ask. Volunteering
information about experiences will make them build stronger defenses. Answer
only what they ask for; they'll get to other questions at another time.
Because they'll experience awkwardness in framing their questions, you may
need to clarify the question before providing a response.

One Parent May Be Slower

Be ready to deal with your parents individually, if necessary. Most couples
react to this disclosure as they have to other shocks; one takes the lead and
moves toward resolution ahead of the other. Don't be upset with the slower of
the two.

It is not infrequent that couples have dysfunction in their own relationship
when this occurs. The one who seems to adapt more quickly may suggest that
his/her spouse is actually enjoying the agonizing; the one who moves more
slowly may think the other is far too accepting of the situation.

Parents who move at different rates may experience tension, whether expressed
or unspoken.


They'll Feel They've Done Wrong

Most people who deal with homosexuality initially perceive it as a "problem"
and ask: "What causes it?" They think if they can locate a cause, then a cure
is not far behind.

For me, the question became introspective: "What did I do wrong?" Whether I
viewed the cause as genetic or environmental, I was clearly to blame. I
questioned the kind of male role model I had provided; I examined my

For a while, no matter which angle I viewed the situation from, I believed I
was the primary source of the problem. It was a feeling I was too ashamed and
saddened to share with anyone else. Although both parents usually feel
guilty, the parent who is the same gender as the child probably feels it
more. Then one day, my wife said: "I don't think it's reasonable for you to
take the blame; you raised two children, one gay and one straight. There must
be other factors involved."

Single Parents Feel Extra Blame

It's not uncommon for single parents to heap extra blame on themselves
because of an earlier loss, separation or divorce from their spouse: "I knew
I failed you; I just couldn't be both mother and father at the same time."

When parents feel guilty, they are self-centered. They are not yet concerned
with what you've been through; in this stage they're too wrapped up in
themselves to attend to your concerns.

Because they are your parents, they may not be able to admit to you their
sense of guilt. To acknowledge that feeling to you is like saying, "I've
brought this horrible thing to you; I've made you different. Blame me."
That's not a comfortable position for parents to assume.

Tell Them It's Not Their Fault

You can help them in a variety of ways. Assure them that you don't believe
the cause is as simple as they see it. Tell them that there are many theories
and that the origins of homosexuality are not known.

Provide them with a book to read that is addressed to parents (an excellent
paperback is "Now That You Know; What Every Parent Should Know About
Homosexuality," by Fairchild and Hayward; Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, 1979).
A book may appeal to them at this point because it can be viewed as an
authority. Have the book ready to give them; don't send them to a gay
bookstore to find it for themselves.

They may be ready to talk to a trusted friend now; some may seek out a
clergyperson. It will be difficult for you to attempt to steer them away from
a person of their choosing who you think may not be helpful. If you know an
agency that has assisted other families in a helpful way, have the agency
name ready.

A gay-oriented agency may be able to help them, but they'll resist going to
the "enemy camp" for help. Provide the phone number of the local Parents and
Friends of Lesbians and Gays or give them the name of some other parents
who've agreed in advance to talk to them. Don't expect them to respond
immediately to these suggestions; their shame and guilt may hold them back.
Providing this information is like planting a seed that may take time to bear


They Acknowledge Their Emotions

When it's clear that guilt and self-incrimination are unproductive, parents
are ready to ask questions, listen to answers and acknowledge their feelings.
This is the point at which some of the most productive dialogue between you
and your parents will take place.

Now will pour forth the full range of feelings: "I'm disappointed that I
won't have any grandchildren." "Please don't tell anyone in the family; I'm
not ready to face this issue with anyone else." "I feel so alone and hurt; I
believe I was better off not knowing" "How can you hurt us this way?" "I wish
I were dead."

Since living in a homophobic society has forced you to experience many of the
same feelings (isolation, fear of rejection, hurt, confusion, fear of the
future, etc.), you can share with them the similarities in the feelings you
have experienced.

However, allow them ample time to express themselves; don't let your needs
overpower theirs. If they haven't read a book or talked to other parents,
suggest again that they pursue one of those avenues. Offer to read and
discuss a chapter in the book with them or to go to a parents' meeting with

Anger And Hurt

One father told of the time his son Bill had cautiously suggested that they
meet his lover Doug. "Initially, we had no interest in that suggestion
because when we stopped blaming ourselves for what had happened, we began
blaming Doug. I was angry that this catastrophe had befallen our home; was
sure it was going to ruin our lives. I had always felt we were good parents,
hardly deserving of this. My anger toward Bill was seldom expressed to him,
but it was there for me to deal with.

Anger and hurt are probably the most frequently expressed feelings. They are
often surface feelings that seem spiteful and cruel. In order for your
parents to make progress it is better that they say them than bury them and
attempt to deny their existence. They will be hard for you to handle. You may
be tempted to withdraw, regretting that you ever opened this issue.
Hang in there, however; there's no turning back now. When they begin to
express these feelings they're on the road to recovery.


The Fork in the Road

As the emotional trauma subsides, your parents will increasingly deal more
rationally with the issue. It's common at this point for them to retreat for
a while and consider the options that lie ahead.

It's like reaching a fork in the road that has a number of paths from which
to choose. The choice each person makes is a reflection of the attitude he or
she is ready to adopt in dealing with the situation.

Both parents may not necessarily choose to take the same path. A number of
factors will influence which path is chosen. Reading about homosexuality and
talking to other parents will probably encourage them to take a more
supportive position.

Their religious orientation will play an important part. The general liberal
or conservative position they usually hold will also have some bearing.

The importance of the restoration of their relationship with you is a major
factor. A variety of factors will affect them as they formulate a compatible
posture for dealing with this. Three kinds of decisions will be described:


Most parents continue to love their child in a way that allows them to say "I
love you," to accept the reality of the child's sexual orientation and to be
supportive. In fact, now that the relationship between parents and child is
on a level of mutual honesty and trust, most parents say their relationship
is better than it ever was. All parties begin to feel better about what has

Although they may have had some glimpses prior to this time, supportive
parents are increasingly aware of your needs. They become concerned about the
problems that you have to face. Although we'd had some glimpses prior to this
time, my wife and I became more aware of our son's needs and what he'd been
through. In fact, we were amazed that he had handled all the tensions and
problems as well as he did for all those years.

Our awareness and love for him soon involved us in offering to begin solving
some problems in an effort to reduce some of those tensions: a single room at
college would enable him to live his life without having to offer excuses or
explanations to a roommate. Dan was invited home more often and gradually
became an important member of our family. When Ted told his brother, we were
able to talk to Louis and support Ted.

This Far And No Farther

Sometimes parents respond by making it clear it's an issue that no longer
requires discussion. Although they can discuss the matter, they are quite
fragile in dealing with it. They have progressed may say this far and wish to
go no further. This does not necessarily reflect a negative attitude toward
you. They know their limits and don't want to be pushed beyond them. Although
you need to respect that stance, you can still make efforts to reach out to

Let them know that you love them -- in word and deed. Cautiously let them
know some things that you do related to your sexuality; i.e., gay groups
you're involved in (community center, religion, athletics). Make it a point
not to let them drift away from you.

Introduce them to some of your friends; meeting other homosexual persons (in
small numbers) will help to break down the stereotypes they may hold.

Constant Warfare

In some instances your sexual orientation can be the staging area for
constant warfare. Everything you do and say is viewed as a symptom of your
"problem." The hours you keep, your language, choice of friends, vocational
selection, school grades, etc. (However, in reality, it may reflect a
parent's feeling of personal inadequacy.)

As long as this condition exists, both parent and child are in a no-win
position. Generally speaking, if one parent assumes this extreme a position,
the other parent may have difficulty choosing a role that is far from it.
When relating to their children, parents are often outwardly supportive of
each other -- even if behind closed doors they don't completely agree between

I'm convinced that most parents who attend a parents' meeting or who enter
into personal conversation with a supportive parent greatly increase the
chance that they'll not remain negative. If they won't attend a meeting,
maybe they'll meet with some parents at a quiet restaurant. If all attempts
fail, don't let the situation get you down. Find a parent substitute or
friend to whom you can turn for support.


A word about relapses is important. Problem-solving and changing personal
attitudes often can be diagrammed as two steps forward and one backward.

It's not at all uncommon for parents to slip back a step or two to rehash
something you thought was behind you. Allow them time to rework it. It will
be disappointing to you when this happens, but it's the way change usually
comes about.


Not All Parents Get This Far

Some parents get this far. Most may love their child without finally
accepting the child's life. Many reach the point where they can also
celebrate their child's uniqueness. These fortunate ones view homosexuality
as a legitimate expression of human sexuality.

When asked if they wish that their child could be changed, they respond, "I'd
prefer to change our homophobic society so my child could live his life
without rejection and fear."

Parents at this stage face up to their own guilt, that they are a part of a
guilty society, a homophobic society. They reflect on the gay jokes they've
told and laughed at over the years. They begin to understand the problems
they unknowingly created for their child. This coming to terms with
themselves may lead them to view the oppression of all gays and lesbians in a
new light.

They begin to speak out against the oppression; they talk to friends about
the issues involved as a means of educating others. They support gay friends
of their son or daughter; they attend parent meetings to help other parents.
In short, they become committed to a cause and find a way that is comfortable
for them to make a positive contribution. Some do it boldly, others work at
it quietly.
